5 Things You Might Be Thinking Before Your Proposal
Proposing to the person you love most is a big deal. So, it’s only normal that your mind might be racing in the days and hours leading up to your big moment. Here are five thoughts you might have before you pop the question and some tips to ensure that your proposal goes as smoothly as possible. Halo Engagement Ring Why Am I So Nervous? It is absolutely normal to feel nervous before popping the big question. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together or how much you know in your heart that you love this person—proposing is still a nerve-racking experience. The best thing you can do is simply run through the proposal in your head and write down precisely what you want to say in the moment. Preparing yourself and practicing is a great way to calm your nerves. But remember that having a little nervousness is an entirely normal reaction even with all the practice in the world. How Do I Make My Proposal Personal? You can help make your proposal personal in several different ways. Yo...